Your Support Builds a Better World
Adapt Peacebuilding is small, but our impact is big. With your support we can empower hundreds of thousands of people affected by conflict to address the causes of violence and injustice directly in ways that breed resilience rather than dependency. In doing so, we innovate better peacebuilding methodologies and strategies that spread through other organisations globally, creating an international system that is more effective in alleviating violence, poverty, and injustice. Thank you for making a commitment to a better world.
One-Time or Recurring Giving
Every contribution helps to drive important change and impacts lives – no matter how large or small. Please consider monthly or recurring giving if you are able, as this helps sustain our work! We can accept donations from any location, regardless of your home currency.
Start a Fundraiser
Celebrating a birthday or a life accomplishment? Looking for a way to rally colleagues around a common social impact goal? Start a virtual fundraiser by sharing this fundraiser link with your community.
Partner with Us
If you are looking for a project implementation partner, trainers, speakers, or publication affiliates with demonstrated expertise in localised, adaptive peacebuilding, systems change, or practitioner wellness practices, please contact support@adaptpeacebuilding.org
Intern or Volunteer
Adapt Peacebuilding often hosts small numbers of remote, part-time interns and volunteers who are interested in peacebuilding, and have skills in social media, communications, fundraising, grant writing and more. If you are interested and able to commit 10+ hours per week for 4 or more months, please contact support@adaptpeacebuilding.org. Fluency in both spoken and written English and Spanish preferred, but not required.