Empowering learning for just and peaceful societies

Empowering Learning for Just and Peaceful Societies

Adaptive Capacity Assessment

by Stephen Gray
April 24, 2023

An example radar chart of an adaptive capacity assessment

Are you tired of running programs that don’t seem to produce the desired results? Do you feel frustrated by the lack of adaptability in your organization’s approach to development or peacebuilding? If so, you may be interested in the Adaptive Capacity Assessment developed by Adapt Peacebuilding.

This assessment tool is specifically designed to help organizations assess their potential to benefit from adaptive management approaches. In today’s rapidly changing world, the ability to learn quickly and adjust programs accordingly is essential to achieving success. By utilizing this tool, you can identify areas where improvements can be made and take action to become a more effective organization.

The assessment is designed to evaluate programs delivered through interdependent relationships between donor organizations, international non-governmental organizations, and local partners in development contexts. By answering a series of questions, you will reflect on your organization and its relationships with others, determining a score for each of several factors that either constrain or enable the benefits of adaptive management.

There are eight factors that will be assessed, with five questions related to each factor. You can choose to answer these questions from a programmatic or organizational perspective, depending on your needs. It is essential to be honest with your answers because the conversation that your answers open up is more important than the score itself.

Once you have completed the questions, you will be able to calculate a score for each of the factors and produce a diagram that visualizes your adaptive capacity. However, self-diagnoses are likely to be biased, so it is recommended to have multiple people with different perspectives on your organization or program complete the questionnaire. These diagnoses serve as a starting point for further discussion and will inform you about those factors where your organization or program is already well calibrated for learning and adaptation, versus those domains where improvements could be sought.

In conclusion, the Adaptive Capacity Assessment developed by Adapt Peacebuilding is an excellent tool for any organization looking to become an adaptive learning organization. It is just one step in a journey towards becoming a more adaptable and effective organization. If you are interested in using the tool, please click HERE and fill out the form. If you have any questions or comments on this methodology or the support needs it raises, please contact stephen@adaptpeacebuilding.org.


CLICK HERE to try the Adaptive Capacity Assessment tool.

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